Sunday, August 30, 2015

Analysis 1

Taylor Swift can be looked at as a myth and an icon.  An icon is something or someone that people look up to.  Some icons do not last in society, but few last decades.   Icons can help people get through certain life experiences.  They can be something religious, an actor or actress or a singer or songwriter.  There are many icons today but one stands out.  A myth is “the belief that material superiority automatically brings happiness”(Browne 2005 pp. 13).

            In today’s society a popular icon would be Taylor Swift.  She is looked up to by millions of young girls.  If a teenage girl is going through something in life, there is a Taylor Swift song to get her though it.  She can be looked at as the girl next door, like a kind young woman who grew up in your neighborhood.  Not only is she a singer, she writes her own songs, and she is an actress.  She maintains a positive role that young woman can look up to.  When enjoying one of Taylor Swift’s concerts, you will feel good about yourself.  She tries to make people feel good about themselves.  She has also been known to visit children who are ill or who have been through a tragic experience.   Taylor Swift is also known throughout the world.  I love how she seems to be such a great role model for women in today’s society.  When I think of Taylor Swift, there is no better word to describe her than an icon.

            Taylor can be looked at as a myth because “myths explain us to ourselves and tend to keep us standing tall and looking up at our greatness or could-be greatness” (Browne 2005 pp 13).  She was a teenager when she wrote her first song.  Now in her twenties, she is a multi-millionaire.  I think that it is great to see that someone can follow their dreams and become something they have always wanted.  This is a very positive message to send to anyone.
            In all, I think that Taylor Swift is an icon and a myth.  She is a positive person that people can look up to.  Also, she shows people that there is potential to be whatever you want to be

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